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Kafko Pools

Vinyl lined pools are one of the three options when choosing which type of pool construction for your pool.  Although fiberglass pools offer many advantages there are several reasons a homeowner might opt for a vinyl lined pool instead.

Why a choose a vinyl lined pool?

  1. INITIAL COST - Of the three types of pool construction offered a vinyl lined pool is the least costly to have installed.  Although it does require a liner replacement over time. For many homeowners this is something they may want to work into their budget later.

  2. CUSTOMIZABLE SHAPE AND SIZE - Because liners are not a pre-molded shape there is more flexibility with their shape and size.

  3. NONABRASIVE - Vinyl liners are smooth to the touch.  Just like fiberglass pools they have a smooth surface that resists algae growth.

ok vinyl pool

Many Colors and Patterns to Choose From!

To learn more about Kafko™ Pool Products and see liner patterns click here.

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